Ferraro Youth Fields Refurbishment



LAPF partnered with the LA84 Foundation and the Department of Recreation and Parks in the renovation of the Ferraro Fields in Griffith Park. The project replaced all four youth soccer fields with synthetic turf. With the refurbishment, 9.5 million gallons of water will be saved per year, and facility usage will increase from 7,360 youth to 170,960. The grand opening of the fields was celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony on October 31, 2015, and were opened for permitted play on November 7th. For permitting, please call the Municipal Sports Office at (818) 246-5613.


Thank you to all the donors for this project:

The LA84 Foundation

The Weingart Foundation

The Ahmanson Foundation

The Wasserman Foundation

The Annenberg Foundation

The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation

The Max Factor Family Foundation

Wells Fargo Bank

The Cal South Soccer Foundation

The Barth Family Trust

First Enterprise Bank