Major Initiatives

The CoachLA Plan promotes inclusive coaching practices in parks and recreation centers throughout Los Angeles to establish coaching standards for youth sports
This new initiative is focused on creating small “forests” in city parks throughout L.A. to offset our carbon footprint, cool surface air temperatures, and educate the public about climate change.
The City of Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Department has launched the Girls Play LA Initiative to encourage, promote, and support sports programs and movement classes specifically for girls and young women.
Rangers provide emergency services and assist in citywide shelter operations during states of emergency, as well as conduct nature hikes for school children and provide interpretive educational programs at park facilities.
Every year since 2010, the LA Parks Foundation gives out 20 special grants to Recreation Centers throughout the city to support a holiday-themed event for their community.
The Pier Fishing Program provides an annual fun, outdoor activity that has allowed local youth to develop a love for nature. More than 800 youth participate in the 7 week program each year, which includes fishing, environmental education, and arts & crafts projects.
Through an ongoing partnership with Humana, we are helping to support a variety of senior citizen activities, programs and events that promote senior health and wellness.
Since 2014, LA Parks Foundation has partnered with the non-profit organization Food Forward to bring fresh produce to the local community.